Some divorces are simple; some are not

What Makes a Divorce Simple? Here are My Thoughts

No Children​

In my view this is the main dividing line

Arguments about children can create such intense emotions it is my opinion that when children are involved it is much more difficult to have a simple divorce than otherwise. Children open up the possibility of disagreement about any or all of the following:

Custody, parenting time, where the kids go to school, who has to pick up and drop off for parenting time, holidays, summer breaks, medical expenses and more. It also means potential disagreement about child support. It also means understanding the important of overnight visits, tax exemptions, the cost of child care and addressing which parent may potentially have to pay for health insurance. And More.

If you can agree on all these things that's great. But they must be addressed.

This requires time and effort.

Other Factors

No Spousal Support

I assume the reasoning is obvious!

No Real Estate

This means no disagreements about whether there is marital property and separate property; about who is staying in the home (or not), possibly having to remove someone's name from the home's title and whether the home should be sold and at what price.

No Businesses

Or, if there is a business, it's small and generates minimal income.

To A Lesser Extent

No major disagreements about:

  • ​Who pays what debts after the divorce.
  • Personal Property.
  • Pets.
Simple or Not, I can handle your Divorce from Start to Finish.
Call Me Today: 810-299-2734

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John Ceci PLLC can answer your questions about bankruptcy, family law, divorce, wills & trusts, probate court, appeals, and trust administration law issues in Michigan.

I offer a free consultation and will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience.

Contact me today to schedule an appointment.
