Juvenile delinquency cases and child protection cases. These types of cases are very different.
Juvenile Delinquency
A delinquency case typically involves a juvenile (usually a teenager) being accused of a crime.
Child Protection
A child protection case involves the parent(s) being accused of child abuse or neglect.
I have handled juvenile court cases since 2006. If you or your child is involved in a juvenile court case call me.
I can Help!
More About Child Protection Cases
These cases are also called abuse and neglect cases. If you're accused of child abuse or neglect you need an experienced attorney. You do not want to represent yourself! Legally these cases are civil, not criminal. But the reality is that you will feel like a criminal. You're doing yourself a big favor by hiring an experienced attorney to get you through this process. I have that experience. More info here: CPS Cases